Thursday, April 10, 2008

Shout to the Lord!

Okay, how cool was it that two nights in a row Shout to the Lord was sung on American Idol. Again, it's like the most watched show ever on television and this is two weeks running that Jesus was really shining through (read my other post about Jesus on American Idol). I don't know who is behind this, but Jesus is definitely in someone's heart that has something big to do with the show. Anyways, just wanted to put this in the record books. I am very excited. 

You know, I just really love people. I don't care who they are or where they come from or what they do. God has called us to love our neighbor as ourself. Do we want other people hating us because of the beliefs we have? No. So let's love other people, no matter what beliefs they have. 

Sorry, I know this is a little bit off the subject of American Idol, but I am so thankful to be writing what is on my heart tonight. I am just thinking these things I guess because I am about to move to a country where I am truly the minority. Less than 1% of the people in Thailand are Christian; 95% of them or Buddhist and 4% are Hindu. That means that there are going to be many many many people who will believe very different things than me.

Man, I truly want to love these people no matter what! I want to love with no limits! I want to understand the people better. I am sort of at a block and can't seem to get out exactly what is in my heart. It's just that in the last few years I have realized that it's my actions and kindness towards others that makes them want what I have.

The Words of Jesus are no doubt extremely powerful, but I am the one who is actually on this earth presenting Jesus to them. What can I DO? What will I DO?

When I get to Thailand, I plan on smiling at the people there so big that my cheeks are sore. I want to bless people all the time. Hmmm...... Thanks for listening!

Love, Dawn

P.S. By the way, I've decide that I am going to learn how to sing. I may not be an amazing singer, but I want to sing pretty good (prophecying!). Please don't laugh, even though I know that i funny.  But I heard that Jason Castro from American Idol just started singing like in the last year or two, and before he didn't sing at all. Hello -- Now he's on American Idol, WOW!


Anonymous said...

well i believe in your singing! and btw I remember on the subject of you smiling so big that it hurts....Gabe on yalls wedding day was smiling at you from ear to ear! it was very sweet. yeah I said that a GUY! haha ok and so I have been able to pray for yall Praise God He helped me to remember to lift yall up! Yes keep listening to His wonderful voice revealing Heaven to you like you saying that it is your kindness and your actions that draw them to the Father.! OK You type and write really well dawn. DONT GIVE UP!

In His love,

Anonymous said...

I really believe in yall.. you can sing and become great in it...honor God and HE WILL honor you! Ok I remember with your speaking about smiling sorely Gabe smiling from ear to ear looking at you on yalls wedding day. You type really well... No Mistakes! A PLUS! please continue to be sensitive to God's leadings and voice and stay obedient to Him!

In His love Evan!!!