Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Big Week!

What a big week we have ahead of us. This is a great time in our marriage. We are positioning ourselves in a big way for the dreams of God for our lives. WOW! Okay, so in about 5 days we will be on our way to a far away land. I was talking to Dad Foster on Skype today and I was telling him about this next week coming up for us. Here's a brief of our week:

  • Bye Byes & Tears (Oh my goodness, I can't start now)
  • 21 Hours on 3 Planes, 4 stops with a two-year-old (leave 08/05/08 at 5pm)
  • In a new country, adjusting to new time zone (arrive 08/07/08 at3pm)
  • Then, the Olympics begin (08/08/08 at 8:00 pm) Excited!
  • Gabe's 23rd Birthday celebrated in a new country (08/10/08)
  • Our 3rd Anniversary... I Love my Husband! (08/12/08)

----------------------All in One Week--------------------------

What a crazy but exciting week! Thanks everyone for loving us and standing right by us through all this. I plan to be on Skype, writing to everyone at every airport we stop at. And when we get to Malaysia, we will give you a guided tour of Gabe's parents apartment through Skype. If you haven't gotten Skype yet, PLEASE get it. XOXOXO We Love You So!

Thursday, July 17, 2008



This is the bumper sticker we got for our car, but we don't 
have a car to put it on because we are moving to Thailand.
Maybe we will just stick it on our luggage!

Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness.....I am so ecstatic to announce that we are completely DEBT FREE! As of yesterday, July 17, 2008 we have no more yucky debt hanging over our lives. We paid the last $1,800 of our student loans off.  So we paid off almost $16,000 in about one year. My heart feels like it is jumping for joy inside my chest!

And, today another dream of mine came true...I had the opportunity to talk to Dave Ramseylive on air on his radio show that millions of people in this country listen to. He is a Christian financial counselor that has his own talk radio show & a prime time slot on FOX Business News every night. Gabe & I have been listening to him for almost two years now. Anyways, I got to talk to him and I would love to share it with all of you. As soon as I can get the link, I will post it on here (and even maybe email it to you guys...hehehe!).

Gabe and I are CHANGING OUR FAMILY TREE...Hallelujah!!!

This is Dave Ramsey at the FOX news office for his show. Go Dave Ramsey!
What an incredible ministry.